Capture Page Creation

Hi! This is Albie. 

  Critical Skill number Two is "Effective Capture Page Making". As you can see
we use the HBA and the Power Lead System because it gives our new members the tools that they need to be
able to make effective capture pages very easily and also has the right tools for our advanced members.

The thing about creating effective capture pages is you need to get into your prospective buyers "head"
so to speak, and start thinking about what "they're" looking for and why "they" need your product.
You basically have two seconds to capture their attention and you have to be unique in how you do that.

For instance, your headline needs to "speak to them". It must get their attention. And to do this,
we're always thinking about what people in our niche (the "make money online niche) are looking for.
And the two things they are all looking for are how to make money, how to get more traffic
(so more people will see their offers), and how to have success online. So if you can
offer them ways to get this, then you will get 

Here's a video explaining how to create easy capture pages with PLS


The reason I'm telling you all this is because making a capture page is one thing
but having the wisdom and knowledge to know what to say on that page is another.
This is where we can help you and mentor you on learning this skill and helping
you to start getting good at making your own splash pages.

You can start getting subscribers every single day to your list and eventually,
you can start controlling how fast you build your list. There's a vicious cycle between
skill number one (effective advertising) and skill number two (effective capture page making).

I'm going to go into a little bit more detail with you about it right now.
So you know you can have the best advertising in the world but if you have a terrible
capture page then all that advertising is for nothing and it's the same thing vice versa
if you have the best capture page in the world but you have terrible advertising then it's going
to have the same effect. You're gonna have terrible results.

  As a new marketer, you find yourself caught up in this vicious circle. Asking yourself the question:
"was it my advertising that was bad or was it my capture page that was bad?" That's where we come in.
We have the experience and the understanding to know the difference between which problem you're having
and that's where we can help you to find the solution. Really that's the importance of having a mentor
and that's really where we come in to help you one-on-one to be able to show you and help
you identify things that you're doing right from the things that you need help with.



Video about creating many capture pages using the Power Lead System: 


Now I want to give you some practical TIPS
about creating an effective capture page:

1) The HEADLINE and/or a main PICTURE (preferably both)
 needs to GRAB their attention with something they NEED!

2) The headline should "point" or draw them down to read the SUB HEADLINE.

3) The subheading should also explain in more detail MORE of what they need OR
HOW it will help them in more detail. The subheading should "point" or draw them 
down to a "red button"
or something very obvious where they need to click or add 
their name and email address. This is vitally important. 

All three should work effectively. The HEADING points to the SUBHEADING and 
the subheading points to the area to opt in
and find out more. 

4) Some problems with capture pages: 

a) Colors clash or draw you away from the emphasis of the page. 

b) unprofessional errors such as spelling mistakes or
art not "meshing to make a pleasant or significant experience". 

c) The "CLICK HERE" button or area to opt in is NOT 
showing before you scroll down (counts for a significant loss of subscribers)
or the area is not in a "happy place" on the page that your eye is 
normally "drawn" to.

Or the area to opt in is hard to see or not obvious
or is full of too many requests or nonessential details that are not 
important. The ONLY important thing is they opt-in (apart from 
being honest in what you offer them). 

5) What do I say on a capture page?

a) Something they really NEED and WANT.

b) Your "Lead Magnet" is the key to understanding this. Your lead 
magnet is the page they will come to AFTER subscribing. We often 
call this a "thank you page" or a sales page. 
What IS this page in your instance? Do you know?
You really need to understand your lead magnet and
EXACTLY what it's going to do for them. 

c) I often find that offering something FREE is very important. 
If the words FREE (in BIG letters) is not somewhere on the page, 
I notice a significant drop in subscribers. 

You might be asking "Well, I don't want 'tire kickers'. I want 
and people who will not just want something free and run." 
Good point. However, you're forgetting something. These people
don't know, like, or trust you yet! 

It's been my experience that my subscribers come in all sorts and kinds
(some buyers and some not). I also found that getting people to opt in 
and check out what you have to offer them is kind of like "dating". 
People don't know you on the first date. Remember that. Even 
AFTER they opt-in and come to your sales page or thank you page
(the lead magnet) they STILL don't know you very well. 
They're just getting to know you! 

Just as you don't always get a kiss on a first date, you may
get a subscriber
(like the actual date) but not a sale (like the 
kiss). So how do you get the sale then? 

Second good question! You get it from building a relationship
with them (where they get to know YOU in your email follow-ups
from your autoresponder). Catch that! That's important 
and that tip is what changed everything for me. 

"So,..." you might be asking,
"... last question: 'What is my lead magnet supposed to be 
anyway?'" Ok, well that's also a good question, and you 
can use your main affiliate link if you have nothing else. 

Preferably if you have a sales page for them to go to (rather 
than just another capture page) then this makes more sense and gives
them something rather than just encouraging them to just opt in again! 

I like to design something myself that gives them 
something of value (like an ebook or Report or Tips or Video on how to 
get lots of traffic, for instance)
. If you don't know how to do that 
but want to learn
then sign up for our mentors course and we'll teach
you the basics so you can get started! Go HERE  if so. 
Otherwise, just use one of your affiliate links. 

Sample capture & splash pages:

d) Say something that is WORTH something of value. Something 
that is worth them giving you THEIR personal name and personal email. 
If it's NOT COMPLETELY worth it, they won't do it and you 
won't be able to build your list. So examine what other people offer,
get some ideas from others, and then find a good idea. 
It's kind of like hunting and setting a good trap (except that we're 
not trying to hurt those who opt-in, we're trying to HELP them!)

But back to the analogy. A trap has to be set with the right amount of 
bait and "honey"
(and it has to set well). If you can think of it this way, 
you will understand the whole concept except again, we're "attracting
people to us" not "trapping them"
(big difference). 

Lastly, building capture pages takes TIME and practice. Over and
over again. Getting better and better. And don't forget, you
will probably be BAD before you're good (lol!)
So don't beat yourself up.  ​I hope all these ideas have helped you. 

Want to go through our Mentoring Course to get 1:1
help to learn BASIC to ADVANCED capture pages...



Success is all based on learning

If you're SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).

   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692